
Medicines / Pharmacologic Treatment

  1. SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reupotake Inhibitors) – SSRIs are a group of antidepressants that are commonly prescribed for patients experiencing depersonalization symptoms. Listed below are some of the most common brands of antidepressant SSRIs.
    Samples: Celexa, Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac
    Although this group of medication is specifically catered to treat depression episodes, it has been found useful in relieving depersonalization symptoms as well. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter in cells appears to have a relationship with the appearance of depression. When serotonin levels in the blood drops, the symptoms associated with depression would surface. Through inhibiting the cellular uptake of these chemicals, the level of serotonin in the blood would rise to normal levels again. It appears to help in depression, anxiety, depersonalization and other diseases as well.
    While SSRIs are some of the most prescribed pharmacologic agents against depersonalization, many people who take this therapy report side effects. They can range from sexual dysfunction, numbness and oddly, an increased episode of the depersonalization as well. SSRIs typically show changes in around one or two months of regular use.
  2. TCA (Tricyclic Antidepressants) – TCAs are another group of medicines against depression are also used in treating depersonalization as well. It is one of the earliest discovered pharmacological treatments against depression. Its mechanism of action on the cell is closely similar to SSRIs in its end goal of increasing serotonin on the bloodstream.
    Samples: Amitriptyline, Clomipramine, Imipramine
    This drug is commonly prescribed for depression that does not have significant treatment from newer medications like SSRI and also used in the treatment of chronic pain. The side effects associated with TCAs are extensive that is why it is no longer much in use today. Side effects include drowsiness, unusual heart rate and rhythm, a blunting of emotional affect and low blood pressure. The rebound effect of discontinuing this type of antidepressant also has a variety of undesirable effects.
  3. Anticonvulsants (Anti epilepsy or anti seizure medicines) – Anticonvulsants are also included in the arsenal of medications to help fight off depersonalization.
    Samples: Clonazepam, Phenytoin, Phenobarbital
    These medicines work by making the neurons (nerve cells) less excitable, the culprit behind the uncontrollable firing of neurons that lead to seizure episodes. By inhibiting this excitability, antiseizure medicines are able to control epilepsy. Its role in the treatment of depersonalization is not fully understood but, desirable effects against depersonalization may take a few weeks to months.
  4. Opiod Antagonists or Opiod Receptor Competitors – Opiod receptor antagonists were primarily made to reverse the life threatening effects of opiods, a strong type of pain reliever.
    Samples: Naloxone, Nalterxone
    Apart from its primary purpose of saving people who suffered from intentional or non intentional opiod drug overdose, it has found a new purpose in relieving the symptoms that depersonalization is associated with.
    Herbal medicines, Supplements and other Non pharmacologic Remedies for Depersonalization By Fanfare I take vitamin B12 supplements daily. I am not even on any antidepressants. It took me 8 months before I felt better.
    by 1A In my case, it was lots of fish and cod liver oil plus magnesium that helped in alleviating the DP for me. I suggest that you go to a good health food store. Check to make sure that you are getting fish oil from a reputable company or source.